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It feels like I am drowning. What should I do?

It feels like I am drowning. What should I do?

Question: I’ve been feeling very empty for like three years now and these days it’s even worse. I started talking to a mental health coach recently, but it feels like it’s getting worse. As time goes by, I tend to hate myself even more. Most of the time it literally feels like I am drowning. Please, what should I do. I hate this feeling.

Response: I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling with these feelings of hopelessness and self-hatred. Thank you for being real and sharing your struggle here. The negative self-talk is a slippery slope that a lot of people slide down at one point or another in their journey, but you CAN climb back up with God’s help. You are not alone!
Talking with a mental health coach is a fantastic step in the right direction! It’s normal to not see an overnight shift when you start to address these deeper self-image type of struggles with a mental health professional. Be patient, give it time, and take things day-by-day. Be open to the advice and conversations with your health coach, practice positive self-talk, and be honest with them about how you’re feeling. If these feelings get worse or more constant, it’s important for you to share that so that they can connect you with the help you need.
Above all else, remember that your worth lies in being a child of God, and you are very worthy indeed. The Bible tells us that God loves each and every one of us so much that he knows the number of hairs we have on our head. He sent his only son to die so that we could live. God, who knows you inside and out, knows your deepest secrets, all your faults, and all your virtues, sees you as worthy of all that sacrifice. He did this just for you. Pray every day that he would remind you of your worth, and fill your mind and heart with love for who you are as His beloved child.

Sending all the prayers your way!

ARJ Mentor

My father is telling me to do everything properly and perfectly. Sometimes I tell him he is strict but he denies it.

My father is telling me to do everything properly and perfectly. Sometimes I tell him he is strict but he denies it.

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